Friday, October 2, 2009

Transplanted everything except the tomatoes yesterday. They are still pretty small. Everything else seemed pretty ready to go. The beans were maybe even overdue. Today I sprayed them with Organocide, since the white flies seem to already be out and about.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Today I spread manure, mixed in soil sulpher, ammonium phosphate, and then turned the soil again, mixing everything in as best I could. I then otherwise raked and prepared the beds for planting, and put up my garden fence. I just need to water it all in a time or two. Plants themselves are coming along nicely, though due to company last night, I did not water the plants, and they got pretty wilty. A good watering this afternoon seemed to snap most of them right back, though a few continued to look a little rough. Not sure if I'll lose them or not.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Season Two Begins

Well, it's been ages since my last post. As the fall harvest is going on elsewhere in the country, here in the sunny southwest it is planting time for the winter veggie garden. I used my seeds from last year, as I had plenty left over, and I kept them in the refrigerator. So far they seem to be sprouting just fine. I'm not planting as much overall as I did last year, but I am planting more of some things and less of others. It is my second go after all, so hopefully I've learned a few things. For example, eight zucchini plants (or something like that) that I planted last year, is a LOT of Zucchini, and really two or three healthy plants with lots of room will probably suffice. Somewhat the same story for the cucumbers, which I hope to actually get some of this year. Last year they were destroyed by spider mites before they could yield any of their fruit. This year, more beans, as they can be easily frozen and stored for later. Same thing for the peas. Also more lettuce, planted in weekly intervals, to get a more continuous harvest. Etc.... I'll post pics later, but suffice to say the sprouts and cups look about the same. I am however, only digging two plots as opposed to one. Everything was started from seed in the cups on Labor Day.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pass the Peas

I picked a nice bag of peas yesterday to share at community dinner. They are tasty. Peas, beets, lettuce, and spinach are all that is left. We had several frosts over about two weeks centered around Christmas that killed off everything else. I need to get my palm tree removed so that I can set up my permanent raised bed layout, and finish spreading gravel in the rest of the back yard.