Well, I actually transplanted my seedlings about a week ago now, and I'm just now getting around to blogging about it. I think it's a bit hot for them, we are still hitting 100 or so in the afternoon, but so far most of them seem to be doing ok. I watered the plots the night before I transplanted, and watered the plants in their cups right before moving them to their new home. I did not, however, water the whole garden after transplanting them. That was a mistake. I thought there was enough moisture still in the ground from the day before. When I came home from work the next afternoon however, they were all totally wilted. I was afraid I had killed them all. However, with a good soaking, and after the heat of the day was off, they sprang right back (mostly). So, note to self, always soak well after moving plants. Perhaps some of it was just the shock of the move, but either way, more water would've done them good.
So a week later, and most of them look like they are going to make it. I've lost a few, but most of them are putting on new growth. They were definitely right on the verge of becoming too big for their coffee cups when I decided to move them. I think the new space for their roots has done them good. Now to just water and wait I guess, while watching for problems. Now that they're in, a good soaking every other day seems to be keeping them happy.
I do need to transplant a few things yet. My beets, carrots, spinach, and lettuce have yet to get moved. I also need to get the corn planted. Hopefully I'll get that done tomorrow or Wednesday.
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