Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Life has been busy. I think I'll give my carrots and beets another week or so, though I did pull up a few beets to see how they were doing. I just made my first harvest of lettuce and filled an entire gallon zip lock till it was stuffed. The zucchini will be quite numerous, the beans have a lot of flowers, and quite a few pods, though I haven't picked any just yet. The cucumbers have a ton of flowers, but so far I haven't spotted any fruit. They also, unfortunately, have a ton of these little brown bugs of no particular shape. Soapy water spray doesn't seem to affect them. They just look like a bunch of little brown dots. I need to do more research to try and find an effective way of dealing with them. I have some nice round green tomatoes coming. The pepper plant is doing fine, but is starting to get crowed out by the tomatoes (note to self, more room between plants). Peas are finally doing a little better, but I haven't seen any flowers or pods yet. Enjoy the pictures!

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